Prepare for Your Care gets you right to the activity of creating a profile of how you would like to be cared for at the end of your life.

Go Wish is an online game that helps you identify your priorities for your end-of-life care. A great first step if you have not thought or talked about the issues before.

A good place to visit after playing Go Wish, Cake asks straightforward questions about your end-of-life wishes and provides links to HIPAA-compliant documentation.

The Coalition for Compassionate Care offers a robust list of all the advance-care documentation you will need.

Sometimes it helps to work through these questions in community. If you would like to get together with a group of friends - or invite some interesting strangers - to talk about end-of-life issues, Death Over Dinner has a huge online library of resources to help you create a deeply meaningful event.

If there is someone in your life you think should be having conversations about end-of-life wishes and decisions, The Conversation Project has you covered with its "Gift of Conversation," a starter kit you can download or email with a personalized invitation. ”